> 春节2024 > 我说你过年好忙啊英文




The English translation for \"春节\" can be \"Spring Festival,\" \"Chinese New Year,\" or \"Lunar New Year.\" These are proper nouns and the initials should be capitalized. You can also add \"the\" before the festival name, such as \"the Spring Festival\" or \"the Chinese New Year.\"


1. Are you preparing for the Spring Festival? 2. We are quite busy at the moment. 3. I am currently making red lanterns.


The phrase \"春节\" can be translated as \"Spring Festival\" or \"Chinese New Year.\" You can add \"the\" before the festival name, such as \"the Spring Festival\" or \"the Chinese New Year,\" when using it in a sentence.


1. Spring Festival [sprɪŋˈfestɪvl]: The Spring Festival is drawing near.

[\'早上好\' \'下午好\' \'晚上好\' \'新年好\']的英文单词怎么写?

\'早上好\' can be translated as \'good morning,\' \'下午好\' as \'good afternoon,\' \'晚上好\' as \'good evening,\' and \'新年好\' as \'happy new year.\'


To express \"新年好啊,祝贺大家新年好!\" in English, you can say \"Happy New Year! Wishing you all a happy new year!\"


The English phrase for \"过节\" is \"celebrate the festival.\" For example, if you want to say \"we should celebrate the Spring Festival,\" you can say \"we should celebrate the Spring Festival.\"


The word \"高兴\" can be translated as \"happy.\" For example, if you want to say \"I am happy,\" you can say \"I am happy.\" It is important to maintain a positive attitude and embrace happiness in life.


To express \"新年好!\" in English, you can say \"Happy New Year!\"


The English translation for \"新年快乐\" is \"Happy New Year.\" You can use this common greeting to express your blessings and well wishes to friends and family during the New Year period.